Looks like Chris Brown's new chick Natalie Mejia (whom he still claims he

Chris Brown has copied Rihanna and become a tattoo artist

chris brown pictures of his body | lxixixl

No Air (Featuring Chris Brown)

Chris Brown performs in a bow tie, tuxedo shirt and leather vest at the 2008

Tattoo Loaders

whole debacle with Chris

tattoo along with her boyfriend Chris Brown.

In light of her recent reported domestic dispute with singer Chris Brown,

Rihanna and Chris Brown Get Tattooed Together

Chris Brown returned to the scene with new music and new ink,

Rihanna and Chris Brown always seem to have to defend themselves for having

Chris Brown twitpic'd his new tattoo:

Rihanna sends Chris Brown a message with a new gun tattoo in Los Angeles

Rihanna and her BFF Chris Brown took a little time out of their busy

Chris Brown

assault by her former boyfriend Chris Brown. Rihanna neck tattoo looked

Chris Brown's

Hollywood-based paparazzi are claiming that they've spotted Chris Brown

Tags : chris brown, rihanna, rihanna tattoos
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